Firestone Complete Auto Care w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneFirestone Complete Auto Care



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1100, Hawthorne Avenue, 55403, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 612-293-3874
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9762683, Longitude: -93.2803035

komentarze 5

  • Kaitlin K

    Kaitlin K


    Jeremy was super helpful! I got a flat tire due to a bad pothole, and when I brought it by, they had a replacement tire ready to go and even put it on for me - all without an appointment and in less than 30 mins. I'm lucky to have this place so close to me!

  • en

    Thor Hang


    Went there to take care of a nail in a tire on my brand new pick-up truck. Service agent backs my truck up into another customer's vehicle. They apologize and say that they will take care of it. Now, I have to take time off work to go get an estimate done. Got the estimate. Had to wait 2 days for the FIrestone rep to call me about fixing my truck. They'll take your money right away, but if they gotta fix something they broke, they take their sweet ass time. Rep called me and said I have to send them a copy of the estimate...told him it was already done. He said "Great!" Told me as soon as they receive a copy of the estimate, they would call me back with how to proceed. Sent them the estimate. 2 days later, no call back. So I called the rep back. He said told me I had to send it again. Who the hell are these idiots? You mess up my truck. You lose my estimate information that I sent you. How can I ever trust Firestone again? He says if I send it to him again, he'll respond and take care of it same day. 2 days later, he sends me an email saying that he took care of it. But you still didn't effing do what you said you would do in the time that you said you would do it. Then we get to the part where I have to get a rental while my truck is in the shop getting repaired. I sent him the exact location and phone number of the rental car agency that was next to the repair facility. He makes a reservation at a completely different location and sends me the link. Can't these people do anything right?!?!?! I had to call and change the reservation. And the whole time, there's no mention of what they'd do to make things right...what they'd do to make up for my lost time. Why should I...or anyone, for that matter...why should a customer ever trust Firestone again?

  • en

    Rory Straubel


    Had to pay $309 just for them to look at my car and tell me what was wrong with it. I understand paying for labor to investigate an issue but $300 for a few hours of work is ridiculous. I'd go elsewhere if I was you.

  • en

    Andrew Meggs


    Had a great experience here. Service was friendly, and even though I ended up needing a new tire instead of just getting a puncture fixed, they called and asked before doing so, and they found a great deal for me. The guy actually even kept the place open later than normal so that I could come by and pick it up. A real class act.

  • en

    Holly Greeler


    Craig is an amazing manager! Craig explained everything to me, and I wasn't treated like a"dumb female". I was given options, told what would be the best fix for me. Just the whole experience was relaxing, well as much as it could be, considering your there getting your vehicle fixed. There's a reason why I drive from Elk River to come here. It's all about the customer service!!!! Also amazing technicians!!

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