Fireplaces By Design Inc w Hillburn

Stany ZjednoczoneFireplaces By Design Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

120, New York 59, 10931, Hillburn, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-357-6062
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.128148, Longitude: -74.1621948

komentarze 5

  • Doug Topken

    Doug Topken


    Very pleased with my experience and purchase at this store.

  • en

    john scott


    They couldn't care less, or seriously understaffed, or both. They'll string you along - will schedule a service call for 3 weeks out and when they don't show up, she'll offer to reschedule you for 2 weeks outs. Don't waste your time with this company.

  • en

    A. Schwartz


    Beautiful selection and great customer service.

  • en

    Nic Bea


    We purchased a large Hampton cast iron wood insert by Regency (HI300) from Fireplace By Design and could not be happier with the entire process. After interviewing other contractor possibilities, it was clear that these guys had the best and most appropriate background and expertise for the job. I had also called the manufacturer to ask a question about enamel colors and the company commented that Fireplace by Design as a dealer of their stoves (Regency) had an excellent reputation and understood their products very well. Install and inspection (fire and building) went very smoothly. Both inspectors commented on the good clean job they did. Our experience with communication with FBD was completely opposite to most recent review- they were in communication via email/phone as needed and very responsive (and I'm crossing my fingers that they remain as communicative if needed post install!) Overall a terrific experience.

  • en

    Sean Crimmins


    Loved checking out the outdoor firepits. Got a pretty good deal. Very knowledgeable salesman names James, that was professional without being high pressure. I would recommend this place. Very close to Ramsey, but off the beaten track.

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