Fiorito's Bella Famiglia w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFiorito's Bella Famiglia



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725, Forest Avenue, 10310, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-273-0900
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6295261, Longitude: -74.1132412

komentarze 5

  • en

    stephen sharkey


    What a gem! Mike and his team of valued employees are warm , and friendly and I always look forward to my weekly trips to Bella Famiglia. Have I mentioned the mozzarella? OMG! The very best! Other personal favorites are the homemade Mac and cheese - delicious! The eggplant 🍆 is superb! If you are anywhere on the North Shore of SI do yourself a favor and treat yourself to a warm family atmosphere and unparalleled Italian food! I love this place!

  • Vivian Oliveri

    Vivian Oliveri


    Great food and courteous service! Mike, Lori and the gang always make me feel like one of the family! Their fresh mozzarella is outta this world! I also recommend them for catering your next event or gathering!

  • en

    Barbara Morello


    I want to give a shout out to Mike Fiorito Sr. The owner of Fiorito’s Fiorito's Bella Famiglia on Forest Ave. Their food is always delicious, abundant and prepared fresh! Today I’d like to tell you about his delicious fresh mozzarella! It’s the best I have EVER had. It’s not mushy and it has just the right amount of salt. Try it! You will be in cheese heaven.

  • en

    Milena Rega


    It takes great pride, tons of knowledge and a special talent to create the masterpieces this guy can create. His skilled hands and special know-how is rare and only obtainable after years and years of experience in the business. Consider yourself blessed Staten Island - you have the best of the best in your backyard. Unless you get on plane and ship yourself out to the hills of Italy, you will not find a fresh mozzarella or dried sausage even comparable to what Mike Fiorito has to offer. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world Mike Your AWESOME!!!@@!#$!

  • Vincent DiCostanzo

    Vincent DiCostanzo


    This store is more like an artists studio.The owner is an old world style craftsman - an artisan. He has over 40 years of experience on creating the finest dried sausages and the most divine fresh mozzarella. If God ordered take out, He would have this fresh mozzarella delivered each day. Custom butchering of the best quality meats is also available as well as prepared foods, a fine line of cold cuts and cheeses. The fresh mozzarella is the Mona Lisa of cheeses - if you could kiss and angle it’s lips would taste like this fresh mozzarella. Life is short. Why not treat yourself to the best. This place is where it it!

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