Fine Touch Nail Salon w Nutley

Stany ZjednoczoneFine Touch Nail Salon



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391, Centre Street, 07110, Nutley, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-667-6337
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8150854, Longitude: -74.162773

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jazmin Margalef


    My first time getting acrylics and I absolutely loved the service. The person who did my nails was FILIPA, definitely ask for her! She gave me exactly what I asked for. Super happy!

  • en

    Jennifer Glass


    They do great designs but it does not last for the amount of money charged. They do not use enough acrylic causing the nail to break and possibly rip off your real nail. The chrome begins to desolve after a few day, the rhinestones fall off as early as the second day and they are over priced. You can find many other salons who can give you good quality nails for a cheaper price, if you don’t believe me try them for yourself but I’ve been to many nail salons and I speak nothing but the truth. Good Luck!

  • Jessica Arroyo

    Jessica Arroyo


    My go to nail salon in town. Love Felipa and how she pays so much attention to detail. My nails always look fabulous and last a good 2-3 weeks. Kenny and Tracy are also very friendly and attentive... great prices and lots of colors and designs to chose from.

  • en

    Izabella S


    It was my first time coming here and I was referred by a friend. I had an 11 AM appt with Tara and despite of the fact that the place was packed crazy with people waiting she took me on time! Tara is such a sweetheart. She is very quick but very precise. I am so pleased with my nails (and I am a very picky person) but I am so happy! So glad I come here!!

  • Gabrielle Serra

    Gabrielle Serra


    Absolutely love the way everyone does my nails. Everyone is so friendly to chat with - employees & customers alike. Always time to fit you in. Oh, AND they do a GEL PEDI that looks amazing and lasts forever. Yes you might have to wait if you just walk in so book and appointment.

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