Fine Nails & Spa en New Hyde Park

Estados UnidosFine Nails & Spa



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737, Hillside Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-358-1929
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.742942, Longitude: -73.69485

comentarios 5

  • Margaret Clifton

    Margaret Clifton


    I'm looking elsewhere. They do a good job on my nails but the atmosphere has tension. I think the manicurists are under pressure. I don't need it in my life....

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    Jacqueline Buntele


    I went there for a gel manicure. I only had a debit card. They did not allow to add a tip on to your debit/ credit card and I had no cash. They had the nerve to ask me for a tip. I had to go to an ATM and get money out. I understand if you do good work you should get a tip but to actually ask me for a tip. I will never go there again. Maybe you should allow customers to put a tip on there debt/credit card.

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    Tamar Rabel


    They are trying to be nice, friendly and sweet, but .... especially owner, I will not go there any more,

  • shivani patel

    shivani patel


    I walk into this place and immediately the person who was tending to me began to her friend not caring about me or what I was saying. The regular pedicure was not that special she didn't even clean my feet properly just kept talking. Then, when it came time to do the manicure she rushed the entire manicure and didn't listen to me. Finally when it came to leaving the salon she told her co worker that I didn't tip her and chased me out the door for a tip. I was giving her $2 and she wanted $5 and proceeded to touch me and tried grabbing money from my wallet. I would not recommend this salon to anyone

  • Urmila Prem

    Urmila Prem


    I was a new customer and they gave me a new guy who did a HORRIBLE job on my color powder manicure. For some reason, this man used the "Step 3" activator after already putting on the "Step 4" top coat. Immediately after I got back home, I noticed that it looked cracked on multiple nails. Seven days later, it looked like my picture and cracked off. It's embarassing going to work like this, and I couldn't go back to get it fixed because I don't work in the area. Lemon pedicure was decent, nothing special, but also overpriced ($40+). If you're a new customer, don't waste your money -- they were overpriced for the worst color powder manicure I've ever gotten. I wasted $40 on a garbage manicure. The one good thing: another man working there was nice and gave a good mini massage on my neck and shoulders.

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