Fifth Avenue Furniture Inc i New York

Forenede StaterFifth Avenue Furniture Inc



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8702, Queens Boulevard, 11373, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-672-2041
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Latitude: 40.7353406, Longitude: -73.8761601

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ibad Ahmed


    This was the first place we bought our furniture from. We were glad to have come to this furniture store. Everything we got was amazing and good quality. We were satifisfied with the service and delivery.

  • Kam



    Great customer service and collection of convertible sofas. Reasonable prices.

  • en

    Sharjeel Chaudhry


    I bought an italian bedroom set from this store last week and everything came exactly as described. Delivery was fast and the assembly was very helpful

  • Mike Bogdan

    Mike Bogdan


    Scam Scam Scam! They sell you Italian furniture but deliver Chinese. Total scam.

  • en

    Eliud Alonso


    We wanted an unusual couch called a click clack. This is a type of futon that otherwise looks like a couch and they have a selection in the store. the prices were right on target, they delivered in two days, and the quality was good.

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