Fifth and Alton w Miami Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneFifth and Alton


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1100, 5th Street, 33139, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 877-775-3462
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7752753, Longitude: -80.1398755

komentarze 5

  • Tobias Gillberg

    Tobias Gillberg


    Decent little mall. I like Best Buy Ross and T.J Maxx

  • en

    Corey Joseph


    Fifth & Alton is okay, but not the best place in South Beach. My experience here was okay with great Foods and drinks to choose from, but very unfriendly as far as customer service goes in some places. Trying to get a public bathroom is a no-go here, unless you spend so much. There are better spots in Miami to choose from if you plan to go with your family, but as a single individual it's an okay place. With the hustle and bustle of traffic and people coming in from all over the world, it would be wise to watch your pockets. Security isn't the best here, but there is a security guard that watches the area for the most part. In some of the places here the prices are steep, but worth it in some cases. Parking is not the best here so make sure that you plan ahead. I would definitely recommend walking we're taking public transit to this destination. It is a beautiful place, and there are many sites to see making this one of the better shopping destinations in this area. All-in-all I recommend this area with a 3-star rating a safety, customer service, parking, and friendliness it's not at the top of the list in this area.

  • Jonathan Wheeler

    Jonathan Wheeler


    Its Awsome during the weekday.. But as a resident here i don't come outside much on weekends .. These people should just go home where they came from .. Or come with some respect for our beautiful city 🌴 Miami Beach 🌴 still love my city

  • sfmovingroovin



    Found what I needed immediately! Great service and they speak Spanish. And it's one of the oldest Macy's Store in history of it's existence.

  • Shahidah Abdullah

    Shahidah Abdullah


    This is my neighborhood supermarket. Its prettt decent. Its lacking in the meat department and seafood department if you ask me but that seems to be the norm here in Miami. There is not a lot of variety but i make due.

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