Fierce Salon & Spa w Wayne

Stany ZjednoczoneFierce Salon & Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

87, Berdan Avenue, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-305-6666
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9624662, Longitude: -74.2427465

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sruthi G


    Belkis is a Wonder Women. Highly recommend this salon and specially Belkis.

  • en

    Noelia Batista


    I've had my hair done at Fierce by Shani for the past 3 years and my hair has never been happier!!! Being that I have curly coarse hair it wasn't easy finding someone who could manage it. I've also had my hair done by Belkis and Alana when she's not available. I highly recommend them all plus who doesn't want to be greeted with coffee and bagels...because I do ;)

  • en

    Maria Santangelo


    I highly recommend Fierce Salon!! It's definitely a 5 Star Salon for many reasons!! What a wonderful place to go to have my Hair, nails, waxing , facials and make up done! The staff is extremely friendly, knowledgeable, talented and experienced !! I always feel very comfortable and relaxed when Im there.. All my experiences with Fierce Salon have been great!! I am always happy with my experience there and all the services i have done at Fierce and I've never looked better!!! Thanks to all the terrific people who have helped transform me !!! They also have a great Instagram account were you can see examples of their work!!

  • Ania Burgos

    Ania Burgos


    Great Service!! Had an appointment scheduled as well as two of my friends we were in and out in no time! Customer service here is great I would highly recommend.

  • en

    Christine Farrell


    I recently switched salons. Everyone here is very nice and so friendly. I go to Alana. She's awesome. Takes her time and gives an awesome blowout. I highly recommend.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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