FIB Tattoo Bar en New York

Estados UnidosFIB Tattoo Bar



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1051, Flatbush Avenue, 11226, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-284-4029
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.645235, Longitude: -73.957827

comentarios 5

  • Carolyn Gordon

    Carolyn Gordon


    Nice atmosphere...stayed in bar area for like a sip and tattoo class. I really enjoyed myself and all the artist were friendly and made the experience enjoyable.

  • Hassan W

    Hassan W


    I had a great time here, Kate did my tattoo and it was just amazing half a sleeve. I was going to wait till it healed but this place is great. They are friendly and know how to handle their business. The bar seemed great as well, my cousin said it was pretty good and he’s a heavy drinking. Tattoo prices are very reasonable, while I was getting my tattoo done a lot of people were coming in asking about piercings. From what I heard those people say the price for a piercing is good. I mean this place is a true gem. I’m coming back next week or so to finish my other arm.

  • Candy Johnson

    Candy Johnson


    Tiny spot, piercings were cheap but tattoos were very overpriced. There was a long wait for the expensive tattoo so I left. I can't say whether or not they do great work.

  • ipsita kumar

    ipsita kumar


    Did not get a tattoo there. I was attending the tattoo making workshop. It was a lot of fun and I would totally recommend taking that class!

  • en

    Nelly Vazquez


    I love this shop! The artists are all so friendly and the drinks are amazing!! Rob is my guy he is extremely patient and talented!!!

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