Ferraro's Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneFerraro's Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4480, Paradise Road, 89169, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-364-5300
strona internetowej: www.ferraroslasvegas.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.109164, Longitude: -115.1518983

komentarze 5

  • Laura Perkins

    Laura Perkins


    The service was amazing. The menu items delish and an appropriate size for lunch. I will definitely be back and recommending it to all my friends. The decor is an understated elegance. Oh, presentation - excellent!

  • Gary Sanders

    Gary Sanders


    Oh man, I went here a LONG time ago and don't remember it being this GOOD! Holy cow was everything just AMAZING. Great service, incredible flavors, beautiful dining room. Perfect for date night or business meetings. I can't recommend this enough!

  • John Cimino

    John Cimino


    Excellent, top notch service with Virgilio! I came back two days in a row. First day I had the homemade ravioli, next time Nonna's peppers. Both excellent! I mentioned to a friend in Denver that I happened to be in Vegas and he said "oh man, go to Ferraro's - best Italian food I ever had." - so trust me, it is terrific! Buon appetito!

  • en

    Greg Hengel


    Good restaurant but we had a strange experience with a group of 40 +. Some woman came up and took away from two of our tables the calamari appetizers mentioning she would be replacing them? Actually she was not a waitress and took them to her table group of ten ish. We questioned this to our actual waiters and they were surprised and denied any one of their staff especially in a white shirt would have done this. People at our tables did some investigating around the restaurant and found this woman close to us in the outer courtyard who had two plates of calamari on her table that the had not ordered according to our waiters. The restaurant replaced the calamari to our table but would not ask them to leave which I think is not good. Great food and staff but beware of food thieves who won’t be penalized.

  • Bruce van Zyl

    Bruce van Zyl


    Amazing. Great service / great food. Try the fresh made sausage with pasta. I had the braised short rib dish - melts in your mouth. Incredible wine list ~ 5,000 to choose from - one of the largest in the US.

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