Ferguson w Euless

Stany ZjednoczoneFerguson



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2683, West Euless Boulevard, 76040, Euless, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-540-1888
strona internetowej: www.ferguson.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8177265, Longitude: -97.1282813

komentarze 5

  • Juan Orona

    Juan Orona


    I called a head of time to ask if they had replacement parts for a contemporary water fall faucet. I was told by the person over the phone that they did in fact have replacement parts. I was told to bring in photos of the faucet. Flash forward the next day, I show up with photos of the faucet and the cashier( somewhat bald guy with a large beard) was not helpful at all. Told me that I should remove the top cover and bring in photos of the inner components. The following day, I show up with photos, dimensions for the tool I need, for the part that I need replaced. The same guy from the previous day assists me again.. since day one he did not seem not interested in helping me. This time he told me to try a different company and that he couldn't help me. Instead of trying to assist me he spent two days looking for excuses not to help me. Not once did he offer any advise...instead i took my business somewhere else.

  • Leroy Shea

    Leroy Shea


    Great plumbing supplly house. Very friendly folks.

  • en

    michael miller


    I went in this just a regular customer no corporate anyting I know contractor and was treated very well service was great and they had everything I needed will go there again

  • en

    Richard Goley


    Slow as usuall but they take care of you

  • David Andersen

    David Andersen


    I have been doing business on the courier side of this company for some time now. These guys will send out an invoice to their highly responsible couriers and their invoices are delivered promptly. In their warehouses and showrooms and throughout the administration everyone is kind to the customers with their needs. I give this place a perfect 10 with their deliveries and costumer needs

najbliższy przechowywania towarów domowe

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