Ferdico Wellness Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFerdico Wellness Center


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1736, 86th Street, 11214, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-837-3700
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6079363, Longitude: -74.0038027

komentarze 5

  • en



    My wife and I went for his weight loss program and before we knew it we were out $4000.00. My primary and endo doctors did not want me to use his program. I told him that and gave him a letter from them stating that we shouldn't go thru with the program due to other conditions. Dr. Ferdicos reply was too bad that you had signed the papers for the program, and no refunds. All he is good for is for getting your money. I wouldn't recommend him to anyone!

  • Steven C

    Steven C


    Dr. Ferdico is excellent! I've been going to chiropractors for years for lower back problem and numbness in my left arm an thumb and my neck was always bothering me as well. Dr. Ferdico has found the cause by my neck area which was also causing problems with my numbness I was feeling in my left arm and thumb. After a few treatments, I no longer have the numbness and never felt better. I continue to see Dr. Ferdico to maintain my great health. He's always there when I need him. One Sunday I wasn't feeling well and I called him and left a message. Dr. Ferdico got back to me and told me what to do. The very next day, Dr. Ferdico called me and asked me how I was feeling. Dr. Ferdico puts a lot care in his patients and his goal is to make everyone healthy. He's not only my chiropractor, but my all health Dr. I highly recommend Dr. Ferdico to everyone.

  • en

    Liz Derrig


    I don't even want to make an appointment! I called and asked a ball park price of the program so I can see if I can afford it and if it was worth a trip to the city and she wouldn't give me an answer! I think that's crazy. I understand it's different for everyone but I'm sure they can give a ballpark price! That sounds completely shady to me. Now I will not be going and instead go to the gym more. Thanks for nothing!!

  • Skeery Jones

    Skeery Jones


    I lost over 60lbs over two rounds of his 43 day program. My mom lost 34 lbs and EVERYONE who I've referred to him, including about 15 personal friends and dozens and dozens of our radio listeners have lost no less than 25lbs. Most lost at least 30. A few have lost 40 or more and one guy is down 70lbs. I don't publicly endorse much, let alone write reviews. But I can promise you one thing- if you follow this 43 day program precisely without cheating on it, you will balance your hormones and ph levels, jump start your metabolism, burn fat & increase your water level the healthy way. All without drugs or exercise.

  • en

    Karen Park


    !!!BEWARE!!! Like the previous reviewer said, he hates taking health care plans as payment. He wants to be paid in cash. When I said I would like to use my health care plan visits, he stated he didn't want me as a patient then. Told him I couldn't afford $50 a visit 2-3 times a week(all he did was crack my back and neck in less than 3minutes), he told me I should cut other expenses in my life so I can afford it. Then he has the nerve to suggest I should maybe get a second job then so I could afford the visits to him. Who in their right mind does that? Then when trying to talk him into a more affordable price, he goes on saying he has too much overhead and $50 per visit is reasonable. Really? $50 for 3 minutes worth of work?! That's reasonable?! And what overhead? This guy is all about the money and not about your well being. This guy is a joke and be forewarned.

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