Фэмили Ферст Каунселинг w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneФэмили Ферст Каунселинг



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2909, Turner Warnell Road, 76001, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-969-5114
strona internetowej: ffctexas.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.614482, Longitude: -97.158344

komentarze 5

  • en

    Matthew Pryde


    I spent all my time talking about myself at Family First Counseling so I thought I would take a moment to talk about them. Due to the nature of the business the staff there doesn't get the credit they deserve in my opinion. They are professional, patient, and offer life changing advise. I would recommend Family First Counseling to anyone. A special Thank You to my counselor. You are my hero!

  • en

    Maja Popovic


  • en

    diamond derby


    After interning at Family First Counseling I was certain I wanted to go into the mental health profession because of the care I saw each client receive. The atmosphere at Family First was welcoming and relaxed. I learned a great deal about counseling by watching Megan Pickens. She taught me about the importance of professionalism, confidentiality, having patience and acceptance for each client. I would recommend Megan Pickens to anyone seeking counseling.

  • en

    Sylvia Hubbard


    I had a really good experience with Megan Pickens. The check in process was so simple, she sent me emails to confirm my appointment and all she asked was I had to fill in my paperwork prior to my appointment. I filled out my paperwork I turned up at the office and my appointment was as scheduled and everything started on time. Megan was thoughtful caring and was very attentive to all my needs, I would recommend her to anybody who needs the help and support the way I needed it.

  • Saadiq La'Rue

    Saadiq La'Rue


    We had an appointment scheduled with Megan. Completely Unprofessional and uncaring I made an appointment for this place over 2 weeks ago and literally when we walked through the door we were told we had to reschedule. A phone call would have been nice considerInga the fact that clients do actually take off of work for your services.

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