Felleman's Automotive en Highland

Estados UnidosFelleman's Automotive


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3540, U.S. 9W, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-691-2262
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.721755, Longitude: -73.960441

comentarios 4

  • en

    kirk toufor


    He looks honest, but he isn't. Paid for 4 calipers when I only needed one. " New" caliper started leaking brake fluid within a month. Brought it to a different shop and found out I still had my original 4 calipers. He should be in jail.

  • Jeri Sugrue

    Jeri Sugrue


    He's a total thief. My husband & I used to trust this place. (I need to ask my husband to update his previous 5 star review) He charged us thousands of dollars to do various repairs and fix oil leaks. He had our car for 3-4 weeks and never fixed the leaks. When the leaks continued we brought it back he told us we needed a new engine to the tune of over $6,000. Finally, we wised up and pulled the car out of there (he charged us $400 to JUST diagnose the car and bail it out of his crooked shop). A honest, local shop fixed every oil leak, replaced the transfer case, and repaired a leak on the steering rack all for $1200. The car is perfect and hasn't run this good since we bought it. Expect to be ripped off. This guy has no scruples, he is a total crook! BEWARE!!! HE WILL RIP YOU OFF!!!

  • en

    Jean A


    Crook with a capital "C". My car had an oil leak he said it would take a day to fix it and cost $700; after five days and endless excuses he finally returns my car charges $1400 and the car still had an oil leak. When I complained that after all those days and money he still didn't have it fixed, he said, "Oh, it's an old car it must have sprung another leak." This guy is a total rip-off.

  • Jim Sugrue

    Jim Sugrue


    Good, trustworthy local service.

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