FedEx Office Print & Ship Center w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneFedEx Office Print & Ship Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

505, North Michigan Avenue, 60611, Chicago, Cook County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 312-595-0768
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.8911166, Longitude: -87.623654

komentarze 3

  • en

    Zach M


  • John Watson

    John Watson


    Very much out of the way for anyone, even a hotel customer that wants to use this service. For someone not staying at the hotel, you must wait in line at the concierge, ask where it is, then have to go down 2 flights of stairs, then up an elevator and around several corners to get to it. They nearly charged me double what it typically costs to ship my item as they added a $20 fee for shipping from an in-hotel location. This was not on the website when I estimated shipping cost, and was not mentioned to me until I got out my credit card. Therefore, this location caused me to use my entire lunch break and not even ship the item. Skip this waste of time and go to the full-service shop on Erie and Dearborne that doesn't charge an additional $20 fee!

  • en

    Użytkownik Google


    Despite the crushing (at times) workload, the staff here is always ready to help. No matter how crowded I've seen it in here, the folks at the desk are failingly courteous and helpful. The last reviewer mentioned: it's hard to find. Go into the hotel lobby and go upstairs, there's a sign once you get there.

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