FedEx Office Print & Ship Center w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneFedEx Office Print & Ship Center



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2417, Ponce de Leon Boulevard, 33134, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-445-2208
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7488732, Longitude: -80.258289

komentarze 5

  • Andrew Cardell

    Andrew Cardell


    I went in on 5/25/18 to ship multiple boxes, two of which were large in size. The manager, Jennifer, refused to accept the two large boxes saying they were not suitable for shipping, even though three days prior I was in the same store shipping an even larger and less secure box than the two in question. After given the runaround as to why they weren't suited for shipping, even though both boxes were literally wrapped from head to toe in tape, I was told I'd have to buy FedEx Approved $12 boxes. I refused and went to the FedEx off Dixie and they had no problems accepting either one of my large boxes. However, Erwin, the employee who helped me shipping my other boxes, was excellent. Thank you Jennifer for trying to upsell me and wasting an hour of my afternoon.

  • Carolyn Carpio

    Carolyn Carpio


    Bad customer service! I went on April 8 to buy 6-16x16x16 boxes at $4 each. I went today, May 23, and they went up to $10.99! I told the manager that the last time I came they were significantly cheaper and he gave me the dumbest excuse! Didn't even bother to work with me, left the register and handed the sale over to the a cashier. I bought 4 anyway because I really needed them and it was the closest FedEx to me, but you can see on the receipts the price difference for the quantities. How can you go up $6 in a little over a month?! The cashier rings me up for 4 boxes. I asked for a bag and she said they didn't have any for 16x16x16 sized-boxes, which is a lie because back in April I was given a bag for the 6 boxes I purchased. She gave me attitude and ignored me when I told her that they do have bags for this size! You would think being in a nice area, they would have a better manager and representatives. Not going there again.

  • Richard Lopez

    Richard Lopez


    Always comes through in a pinch. 24-7 staff always nice and help you get it done.

  • Alexander Brito

    Alexander Brito


    I sent an order from online to print and was informed that it would not be completed for nearly two hours. Called the store and Ana was able to expedite it to less than 20 minutes! Thank you for all your help.

  • cudak888



    **REPACKAGING SCAM - STORY BELOW** The management of this location tries every condescending effort to refuse every box shipped without FedEx-purchased packaging - in an attempt to upsell their repackaging services. Read on: This last instance (which finally pushed me to publish this review) involved a computer monitor RMA. Upon handing the pre-labled box to the clerk, I was treated to lines such as “oh, man, this box was made for a mirror” (a U-Haul two-piece slider box with styrofoam corner inserts designed specifically for fragile rectangular items) and it ultimately got to the point where the clerk kept insisting that he had to “open the box to make sure I’d packed it right" and various other "for your safety" excuses. Please explain to me how a mirror is somehow more durable than a monitor, and how "all this tape" is a bad thing. That's right, it makes no sense. Not unless you're trying to sell overpriced repackaging services. At that point, I told him I wasn’t buying into his upsell, nor was I going to let him put a single knife to the box - though he did, partially, without my consent. He offered to tape it up, to which I noted the irony of his statement, given his previous claim about "all this tape" being a bad thing. Fact is, I was not about to be responsible for whatever further damage he put to the box (or the monitor) scot-free. I went to the FedEx Office location in the Grove instead. Not only did they take the box without fuss, the staff member there not only thanked me for having the box pre-labeled, he complimented me on the job I had done to protect the exterior of the box. How ironic. This said, I've shipped over 1,000 boxes with the USPS for eBay as of recent and have never had a complaint from the USPS themselves - and shipping damage makes up less than 1% of said shipments. Until this location shapes up, stops making baloney excuses, and FedEx issues a personal apology, I'm not coming back - and I'm certainly not going to use FedEx willingly for my own shipments.

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