Fault Line Bar & Grill w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneFault Line Bar & Grill



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1460, J Street, 92101, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-501-7975
strona internetowej: faultlinegrill.herokuapp.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7096073, Longitude: -117.151026

komentarze 5

  • en

    Will Smith


    Bartenders are awesome! Always fast and friendly service.

  • Jesse Clark

    Jesse Clark


    Didn't try the food but the beer was cold and the bartender was pretty awesome! I forget his name, but I was there on April 17th.

  • Veronica Goodson

    Veronica Goodson


    Not sure about their food as we did not make it past drinks . Not busy as we were able to arrive before happy hour crowd we were able to sit at the bar immediately. Bartender wrapped up conversation with local maybe at one end of bar then he proceeded to make his way in our directiond he passed us with no acknowledgement or eye contact. After making his way to the far right side of the bar he said his goodbyes to a friend I'm guessing. After that he made his way to customer immediately to my right and boxed up fries. He even went to back to the kitchen to get her more sauce that she asked for . We were sure we would be greeted next since he was right next to us and had already walked by us once . After finishing up with customer to my right he then walked back to the full left side of the bar and greeted newly arrived customer and asked what he could get for him. Sadly my boyfriend said bartender was not worth his time for him to say something to so we just walked out. Funny if that the fry girl complete noticed the avoidance and knew exactly why we left.....but what is she going to say or do. I will never know . We are a upper middle class minority couple dressed accordingly and the only minority people there. I am pissed. This was not an oversight or so busy that he did not see us. He clearly about us..... I will be calling the manager!!!! I am a Cali native. I have not seen much prejudices or maybe I have just been blood to it all but this is a first where I have been denied service by not servicing me. This actually hurts.

  • Jacob Bynum

    Jacob Bynum


    Burger was a little bloody. I would have mentioned that to the staff if anyone had bothered to ask. Also, i saw a lot of positive ratings here about the prices but looking at the menu i dont know why. Pricing is standard at best for downtown.

  • Tanna Trifoglio

    Tanna Trifoglio


    Nice atmosphere & really good burgers! Drinks are very reasonable too

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