Father Sons & Daughters Floor i Plainview

Forenede StaterFather Sons & Daughters Floor



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10, Washington Avenue, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-942-0900
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Latitude: 40.7781535, Longitude: -73.4666122

kommentar 2

  • Alane Weissman

    Alane Weissman


    I can't say enough about Father, Sons and daughters in Plainview. After talking with 5 different people, they were the ones that had exactly what I wanted, and Tony the owner was super helpful and nice. He was able to get it installed in like two weeks before my daughter came home from college. Installer was perfect, fast and neat. The carpet is gorgeous!! I am so happy! Highly recommend them!

  • Cynthia Roethgen

    Cynthia Roethgen


    Rob and his team are AWESOME! I was lucky enough to have them install carpeting at my office and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Rob is super responsive to emails and phone calls and he always provided me with all the information about my order. He is exceptionally flexible and was always willing to work around my (extraordinarily hectic) schedule since my company was moving. The day after he received the carpet he was here to install it. In fact, since it came in two separate shipments, he came and installed the first batch so that I could have our cubicles installed so we could meet our move-in deadline. When he and his team were here they were always friendly, courteous and clean. I could not be more pleased with my interaction with this company and would recommend them without hesitation!

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