FastMed Urgent Care w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneFastMed Urgent Care



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2510, East Broadway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-232-2072
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2210024, Longitude: -110.9349837

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marialexis Colores


    They did such a a great job. Professional ,kind and very considerate all the way around. I was hesitant at first just because a fast clinic is new to me bit they really do have great people persons .

  • en

    Kelly Horgan


    I went in feeling so sick that doing the paperwork was a challenge and I got worse while there. They were helpful and very kind and with medication I have improved.

  • en

    Dominique Smith


    I went here 3 years ago and the dr at the time was rude he said my infant son was faking it. I decided to give them another try this week and i have to say big change now. So polite.. the dr explained everything to us and actually helped. Thank you to the ladys and dr who toke care of us .

  • Da Real Now

    Da Real Now


    Waste of time.... I think they're concerned about money or something. Have a major back issue. Can't even stand or walk on my own. Was told by multiple people I need an x-ray and an MRI. Went to Urgent Care. Doctor was very knowledgeable but would not give me an x-ray or a referral to orthopedic. Which is why I went there in the first place. Told me to follow up with my primary. I cannot get an appointment with my primary for a couple weeks and is why I did not go there. So urgent care was a waste of time and money!!! Also I have a scar on my left hand from skin cancer surgery. I've been told it looks like tracks from drug use. Every time I go to Urgent Care the doctor starts evaluating me like I'm in there for drugs. I don't take or like pills I barely even take Ibuprofen. But that's the kind of care you get when you go to urgent care!!!

  • Jeff Gillie

    Jeff Gillie


    This is a great place. Check in online, it’s easy and fast. Very little waiting. Good service, professional. Better than the ER actually. Very satisfied. Had a raging flu in my lungs. After 2 days doing much better.

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