Fashion For Less i New York

Forenede StaterFashion For Less



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204-9, Hillside Avenue, 11423, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-465-1845
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7207822, Longitude: -73.7612225

kommentar 5

  • Rita Ortiz

    Rita Ortiz


    Great place for scrubs. They have a variety of brands for VERY affordable prices. Staff is always willing to help find your size. The only con is there’s no fitting room.

  • Tony Baby

    Tony Baby


    Good selection

  • Steven Somerville

    Steven Somerville


    Found this place on Google maps. Nice place. Good service.

  • Chanell Johnson

    Chanell Johnson


    They will definitely get my money awesome prices n nice selection came all the way from upstate N.Y.

  • Zachary Ehrlich

    Zachary Ehrlich


    Underatedly great store for scrubs. We found some good pairs, great prices. Cheaper than amazon. Only thing is no returns and no fitting room so you put it in over your clothes. Go in there knowing what you need already!

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