Fascinations - FunLove.com w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneFascinations - FunLove.com



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3658, East Speedway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 520-322-0757
strona internetowej: www.funlove.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2357498, Longitude: -110.9143712

komentarze 5

  • loneith



    Good atmosphere and selection but the workers are the real boon, very well informed and helpful with all sorts of questions

  • en

    Gaelan Soucy-Dunbar


    Always hit our miss with this store but the staff is always nice regardless of my last minute shipping endeavors

  • en

    Bat Gee


    This place is always a good time. Whether you are there for something specific or just to browse around, the staff is very helpful and create a comfortable environment! Shout out to Mouse for teaching my girlfriend and I some new things while recommending product!

  • Baileigh Drayer-Brown

    Baileigh Drayer-Brown


    First off the outside building is appealing and as you walk in the staff greets you. The place is very well lit and has tons of room to move around and explore in. I felt very comfortable here. The staff is friendly and helpful here, some are even willing to share personal experience which helps aide in the decision process. They have cute undergarments from xs-3x. Awesome staff, awesome selection, awesome place.

  • Baylee B

    Baylee B


    I love Fascinations! This is the best adult shop in Tucson with the most friendly and knowledgeable staff! I always have a good time when I come in here. I never feel pressured or "watched" unlike some other stores in Tucson. The staff check on you and are ready to answer any questions. The best question they ask is "what is your price point" so they can customize what you need with what you can afford! Lovely place! Definitely makes a young woman, who usually goes alone, feel welcomed and safe. I enjoy my experiences here and have learned more about sexual health than I ever have! I will only come here from now on.

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