Farrelli's Pizza, Pt. Ruston w Ruston

Stany ZjednoczoneFarrelli's Pizza, Pt. Ruston



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5104, Grand Loop, 98407, Ruston, Pierce County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 253-212-1152
strona internetowej: farrellispizza.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.299778, Longitude: -122.505303

komentarze 5

  • Carl Hess

    Carl Hess


    Pizza was pretty good. Calzone was pretty good. The cocktails were great! The service was OK. Addendum. I gave them a second chance. Very good service and the hand-tossed crust pizza was delicious. Adding another star. :-)

  • Hurko Co

    Hurko Co


    Staff was very nice and accommodating! The food was amazing. And two people can easily share any of the pizzas listed. Good beer, wine, and cocktail selection as well. Depending on where you sit you get great views of the water.

  • Mark Jacoby

    Mark Jacoby


    We just moved the the south sound and Farrellis quickly became our new favorite pizza spot. They have a great selection of creative pizzas and fun drinks. Our favorite is the thick cut old world style pepperoni. Different than what you get at your typical pizza spot and really tasty. This location has a rooftop bar area for adults only. I haven't been there yet, but it looks to have a great view and I'd imagine it's a great spot to spend a summer happy hour.

  • Rebecca Bean

    Rebecca Bean


    Terrible experience. The first wait staff who came to our table failed to place our kids pizza order before she did a table hand off. The second waiter did not know about the kids pizza we had already ordered. They took forever to bring out our pizza ordered through the second waiter. And surprise, there was still no kids pizza. We asked about it and the waiter was blind sided. It took so long get the kids pizza we put it straight into a box to take home. Our adult pizza had burnt crust on at least half. In the end, this was $50 that would have been better spent on three meals for my family from pizza hut.

  • Joseph Rodriguez

    Joseph Rodriguez


    This is an awesome location! Everything here is brand new still and the environment is fantastic! Typical Farrelli’s food that never disappoints. Happy hour in the bar at select times! After some pizza or other food you can walk along the water before snagging some ice cream right around the corner! Wonderful views from the top deck as well.

najbliższy Bar

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