Faraj Auto Traders w Rutherford

Stany ZjednoczoneFaraj Auto Traders



🕗 godziny otwarcia

164, New Jersey 17, 07070, Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-507-0444
strona internetowej: www.farajauto.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.819493, Longitude: -74.101956

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shamahd Elder


    I have not come across any dealership such as this one. They’re very honest, hassle free and aren’t looking to get one over on the customer. I’ve purchased a 2002 Honda Accord last April and I’ve recently come back to buy a 2006 Nissan Altima. I wanted minor cosmetics updated on my Nissan and the service was above, beyond, efficient and above satisfactory. You will never have to worry if your buying a dependable vehicle from these guys because all of their cars are immaculate and overall service and customer handling are above satisfactory

  • en

    Nysir Smith


    I had an amazing experience today at this dealership. They provided me with great service and worked with me to get the car that I wanted. I am grateful that I went to these guys to buy my car. Top of the line great quality all around. Highly recommend these guys!

  • en

    Christina Barrantes


    Got my car (2001 Toyota Camry) with 63k miles on it with regular wear and tear for 3,500 have been driving everywhere and to date no issues. Had it for 3 months now. The staff here is super friendly and professional and go out of their way to help you pick out a car for you. Easy transaction and flexible work hours. Able to test drive car too something we found some dealers were not doing anymore. Give them a try won't be disappointed.

  • Greg Irving

    Greg Irving


    I bought my Mazda 6 here nearly 4 years ago and I had a very pleasant experience. Great customer service and I never felt pressured. I think it says a lot that I now live in VA and am in the market for a second vehicle and I'm checking their current inventory online. Definitely recommend.

  • en

    Emily B


    BEST experience I've ever had in purchasing a used car. This family owned business takes utmost pride in everything they do. Honest. Trustworthy. Fair. They bend over backwards to make sure you're completely satisfied. I would recommend them to anyone. Many thanks to Mark and his Dad.

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