Fantazy Junction w Plainview

Stany ZjednoczoneFantazy Junction



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1163, Old Country Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-433-6433
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7752594, Longitude: -73.4645662

komentarze 5

  • marc shoichet

    marc shoichet


  • en

    Randi Panzica


  • Amit Ahluwalia

    Amit Ahluwalia


    We celebrated my daughter's 4th birthday here. She only wanted a Hawaiian theme party and the team at Fantazy Junction made it happen. The look on her face was priceless when she saw all the decor and games they had planned. It was very well organized and all the parents were asking me how I found this place. This was by far the best place ive had my daughters birthday parties and I highly recommend it.

  • en

    Sanya Darira


    The most amazing party place ever!!! Huge hit with kids and parents. I have attended a few parties, and all were a big success. Each party is uniquely planned out according to the theme. For each theme there are innovative games. The music and the feel of the entire framework gets the party going! The management and their staff are very passionate in their work, cordial, high-spirited and create a perfect harmonious ambiance. They oversee the food and thirst quenchers offered to the kids and parents. Every face leaves with a contented smile!!!

  • en

    Sapna Kohli


    I did my sons 6th birthday party at Fantazy Junction. My son really loves pirates so he was very happy to have his pirates theme birthday party. The staff was very welcoming to all our kids and guests...they arranged fun games that kept the kids busy...they had a total blast ...i was stress free as the staff took care of the food and drinks for the kids and parents as well and the party favors for the kids was a totall success part..

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