Fancy Nails in Cornwall

Vereinigte StaatenFancy Nails


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291, Main Street, 12518, Cornwall, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 845-534-3798
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.435165, Longitude: -74.033517

kommentare 5

  • Heather Menzie

    Heather Menzie


    I get amazing service and always leave happy

  • Adriane Guerreiro

    Adriane Guerreiro


    I love them!!!!!! Definitely my favorite place in the area. Good price and they do a wonderful job

  • en

    Taynik Butler


    I have been going to this salon for about a yr. Always Fast Service and the work is good. They are very professional and clean place. They can improve on the polishes which are old.I find ALOT of the salons do not restock the nail polish. I always get a powder mani and bring my own polish for my feet.

  • naomi suarez

    naomi suarez


    Delightful find, just happened to be in the area. Simple decor, cozy. Good massage chairs, lovely staff, large selection of color options. I could tell they have a lot of faithful regulars. My pedicure was well done and there was no pressure to upgrade or add more services

  • Gail Morgan-Sporbert

    Gail Morgan-Sporbert


    This is by far the best nail salon in the area. Clean shop, very friendly staff, huge selection of polishes and finishes. I LOVE this place. Ten stars if possible!

nächste Schönheitssalon

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