Famous Dave's w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneFamous Dave's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5000, Old Hickory Boulevard, 37076, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-882-0999
strona internetowej: www.famousdaves.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.195225, Longitude: -86.618395

komentarze 5

  • en

    Norma Miles


    They have a feast for one for around $20. So much delicious food I had to make two meals out of it! Great value for the money!

  • en

    Linda Ores


    They have the "all you can eat"rib tips each Thursday. Most times they are very tough. The great thing is you can have as many as you want, even if not eaten. My server, Sherry, was very cordial to the guests around me, never asked if I wanted more, just went and got them and threw them on the table. I'm sure it is because I filed a complaint. I will not return! EVER!!!!_

  • Teener Marie

    Teener Marie


    Service was good. Food was good. Easy place for a good meal. Only thing is they put onions in the potato salad. Not a huge fan of that. But you can't go wrong with the corn muffins! Yum!

  • Krista Hancock

    Krista Hancock


    I love this place! The ribs are incredible. Staff is always great! Service is pretty fast however dinner time their is usually a wait! But it is so worth it! Little secret is the chips they make in house they are not on the menu but they are so good!

  • Rhonda Curtis-Miles

    Rhonda Curtis-Miles


    We are huge fans of Famous Dave’s in Knoxville TN so we went out of our way to come to this location in Hermitage on our way home from a trip. But we had no idea that they could be so different! The mac and cheese was cold to begin but once we sent it back and we really tasted it we realized it was no where as good as the one we are use to! Same with pretty much everything else. The quality and taste just wasn’t there on the french fries or potato salad neither. Service was great and place looked clean but I would think Famous Dave would have more strict guidelines on how he wants his food prepared at all his restaurants.

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