Family Rx Pharmacy i East Meadow

Forenede StaterFamily Rx Pharmacy



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621, Merrick Avenue, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-280-7474
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7066073, Longitude: -73.5692892

kommentar 5

  • michelle bustamante

    michelle bustamante


    Clean pharmacy and they are always helpful one way or another. They care about the patients that walk in

  • en

    jasmine blackwell


    Best pharmacy would never use a big chain pharmacy again. They deliver medications and Max is always helpful and friendly. If you need something that they do not have in store they will order it immedietly.

  • en

    Emily Neuburger


    Super friendly, helpful, and genuine staff. They truly care about the wellbeing of their customers and they treat you like family. About a month ago I was too sick to get out of bed to pick up my medications and they delivered it to my house free of charge! They truly go the extra mile! Best pharmacy hands down!

  • Matthew Thaller

    Matthew Thaller


    By far the best pharmacy in terms of service and cleanliness. The staff is always friendly and helps me find anything I need. When I needed a specific/specialty item, they ordered it for the next day. Feels like a family store, nothing like those big chains. 10/10.

  • Ester Binaminova

    Ester Binaminova


    Great pharmacy. Very quick, They have everything I need and if they don't have it, they order it for the next day. Amazing service.

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