Family Dental Center en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosFamily Dental Center



🕗 horarios

10, IBM Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-463-9300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6508893, Longitude: -73.9304863

comentarios 5

  • en

    J L


    New faces all the time. Agree with review about the office manager. Billing issues looking for new dental office

  • en

    katie S


    Office manager Countney is very unprofessional. Talks to patients with disrespect. Several occasions heard her being rude and loud when on the phone. The doctors are great but cannot return as long as she is there. I have spoken to friends and others who thinks the same and gone elsewhere for dental care.

  • Celia White

    Celia White


    One of the best dental practices in the area. They are friendly and the dentists and dental staff are patient and informative with every procedure. I am proud to be a patient at FDC for the past 7-8 years!

  • en

    ramsey heredia


    This place is terrible when it comes to its billing department. I was assured that I wouldn't have a bill and then I received a bill. When I questioned it I was told that I was misinformed by a disgruntled employee and that the bill was still my responsibility. They are liars at this place. Their equipment is outdated and there staff is unreliable when it comes to your bill. Stay away!!!!

  • Matthew D

    Matthew D


    Best treatment you can get! Dr. Welker is the greatest! Extremely gentle and very caring! I've been going to him for over ten years. Everyone hates to go to the dentist because of the pain you may experience but Dr. Welker is very professional, experienced and knowledgeable. I'm very sensitive to pain with my teeth and I never have any issues with his work. His assistants are always very warming, friendly, gentle and make you feel very comfortable. The secretaries are also so friendly, nice and welcoming! No one wants to go to the dentist but when you do the Family Dental Center is the best place to go!

Dentista más cercano

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