Fallas Discount Stores i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFallas Discount Stores



🕗 åbningstider

1036, East Southern Avenue, 85204, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-733-1627
internet side: www.fallasstores.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.3946612, Longitude: -111.8082806

kommentar 5

  • en

    shakita kimbrough


    Great prices I always leave with a cart full of stuff for everyone!!

  • Shawni Chesley

    Shawni Chesley


    Love this store! It's super cheap and they have everything.

  • Kelly James

    Kelly James


    The staff is quite friendly. The store has good prices. I feel this location is one of the more dirty stores. I feel the size selection is veered towards small/ petite women. It is difficult to find a large to xl from everything from the clothing to the under garments.

  • Dana Evans

    Dana Evans


    Great prices! I almost feel guilty. I bought two blouses, a winter coat for my son, 2 pairs of tights for my daughter's uniform, and a package of socks for $29! Seriously!? Also the store was near and easy to get around. They have name brands like Eddie Baur uniform slacks for $10. It's a really great store.

  • Ariza_ Sanchez

    Ariza_ Sanchez


    I used to not like this store but recently I seen its alot more organized and friendly staff. Thank you Arturo for helping me find the cutest top for less than $5

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