F45 Training Dallas Main Street w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneF45 Training Dallas Main Street



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1517, Main Street, 75201, Dallas, Dallas County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 214-624-9698
strona internetowej: f45training.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.78099, Longitude: -96.7988516

komentarze 5

  • Noelle Hall

    Noelle Hall


    Wow! I am totally not the work out type of person but F45 has changed that! No more boring workouts. Everyday is different station based work outs to challenge all body types. App makes signing up for class and tracking your workouts a breeze. This location is beautiful and clean. The owners really take the time to get to know you and encourage you. The small class sizes make this place feel like a family. Will be coming here for a long time.

  • en

    Renia Boudaghian


    I have been living in Dallas for a little over a year, and the only thing I missed was a workout routine. I'm one of those people who knows how to workout; I'm also one of those people who is lazy. If someone isn't standing over me telling me what to do, I cannot motivate myself to squat on my own time. F45 has been exactly what I needed. 1. It's close to work. 2. It's an effective workout in 45 minutes. 3. It's reasonably priced. 4. The staff is fantastic. I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing continued results in the coming year!

  • Gavin Swanson

    Gavin Swanson


    Been working out here for 6 weeks now. It consistently is one of the best parts of my day. Coming from a normal gym I can say you never truly push yourself as hard as you could when you are just working out by yourself. That is not the case here. The workouts are always something new and push you to give it 100%. The team is so encouraging and they really motivate you to give your all. Would highly recommend for anyone!

  • BJ Jones

    BJ Jones


    F45 on Main Street is honestly one of the best workout groups I've ever been a part of. I'm the type of person that needs people around cheering and music blasting to pump me up and that's exactly what this is. Hunter, Taylor and Cayla are an awesome team who will definitely push you to achieve your goals, supporting you every step of the way. Give F45 a shot! I promise it's worth it!

  • Sarah Duke

    Sarah Duke


    F45 has quickly become a home to me. The positive energy, constant high fives (which I never thought I would be a high-fiving gal!) and vast variety of exercises makes this the perfect place to strive to achieve those goals. No two workouts are the same and you will never leave thinking "that was easy!" Taylor, Hunter and Cayla have really taken F45 to a new level. They treat everyone like they are long-time best friends and make you want to do better. Go check out this location to see it all for yourself!

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