EZPAWN w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneEZPAWN



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3003, Goliad Road, 78223, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 210-359-7979
strona internetowej: stores.ezpawn.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.3526918, Longitude: -98.4319183

komentarze 5

  • Jesus Lopez

    Jesus Lopez


    Manager is terrible,that girl is rude and won't let me finish my sentence when asking about my Id that one of the members forgot to give back.... Young short Hispanic female is rude and now lost my Id... Bad customer service... From manager , Tyrell,black guy , and female girl, maybe screwing with each other.. un professional.......I feel they discriminated against me cause I'm a Hispanic and tested me like dirt.... I done business many times before... Now they lost my business, worse pawn shop thefts in whole San Antonio!! Watch out for them crooks!! And stupidest people I ever met... Embarrassing to the Ez pawn company, don't know why they still have those lazy stupid discriminating crooks working there!! Hope not all Ez pawn are like that.... Previous employees where better then this people... There service sucks ever since black guy took over and little short Mexican girl friend of his started working there!! Gonna start a lawsuit for losing my Id , which they verify they had several days before and now it's lost......I also heard customer complaining lost pawn loan merchandise and employees simply don't care..... Crooks.... Never pawn anything expensive, they will steal it from behind and say it's lost....

  • en

    Brandon Quintanilla


    Terrible customer service, staff was very rude. They wouldn't price what I wanted to sell unless I gave them an amount I wanted. The young employees words were "I'm not gonna waste my time pricing this stuff if you're not going to sell it for sure." The staff should price whatever someone is trying to sell whether the customer ends up selling it or not. I will never be back and will tell people to stay away from this pawn shop.

  • en

    Don Kimp


    Got the VIP program and it was really nice the staff was very helpful and respectful keep up the great job.I was able to upgrade my chain for bigger one adding money of course love the store.thanks.

  • Lilia Estrada

    Lilia Estrada


    All the employees are great and Management is awesome. I feel some ppl giv them a bad rap cause its the consumers responsibility to keep track of the due dates on thier pawns but they miss the date and blame the employee because they had to put out items out for sale ( which mind you that is thier job). I love shopping here great experience every time!!! Keep it up Ezpawn !!!

  • Alejandro Rebollar

    Alejandro Rebollar


    They are all thieves in there especially the light skin guy with the tattoos and the lady that wears to much makeup on her face. The guy that has the tattoos on his arm or arms is always stealing jewelry from the customers he tells them that they still have time left to get it out but when they come to pick up their jewellery he says that is to late and it's been already sold. Anyone reading this review beware don't go to this pawn shop because they will rob you blind and they will lie to your face I will update this review and as soon as I find out his name I will post it on this review and the lady's name too.

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