Ezel Nails i Bethpage

Forenede StaterEzel Nails



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357, Broadway, 11714, Bethpage, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-433-1122
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Latitude: 40.742646, Longitude: -73.480002

kommentar 5

  • en

    sheila doolan


    Always friendly and efficient. Many manicure and pedicure service choices as well as other salon offerings. Good prices!

  • en



    It was great every one very pleasant. Great job

  • en

    Danielle Torre


    Super clean and they do great work, regardless of what you're getting!

  • Veronica Kim

    Veronica Kim


    I absolutely loved it. They do an amazing job doing anyones nails. They are nice and know what they are doing. I would come back here.

  • en



    I had the worst experience that I have EVER had at any establishment at Ezel Nails. Upon walking in to our appointment, my friend and I were approached by someone who I presume to be the owner. This woman spoke to us like we were stupid. She was incredibly rude, pointing out the prices of the services we asked for in such a way that she was blatantly insinuating we couldn't afford them. I've never been spoken down to in such a way before. I don't know how this business has any customers. I also don't know why we didn't walk out then and there-probably because we were so shocked. I went in for a full set of tips. They came out so horrendous that I actually left before letting the technician apply a top coat because I knew I was going to have to soak them off as soon as I got home. She used giant globs of powder and each nail was a completely different shape. They also don't sterilize their tools. She attempted to use a cuticle clipper on me that had someone else's skin still attached to it. DO NOT SPEND A SINGLE DIME HERE. You will regret it. If I could give Ezel Nails 0 stars, I would. They should not have a license.

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