Eze Tax Service, LLC w Hyattsville

Stany ZjednoczoneEze Tax Service, LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3601, Hamilton Street, 20782, Hyattsville, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-442-5332
strona internetowej: www.ezetaxservice.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9540776, Longitude: -76.9581697

komentarze 5

  • Andrea Patrice

    Andrea Patrice


    Phenomenal work and expertise! Evelyn is amazing. Thank you so much for your flexibility and one on one experience. I truly appreciate how easy you made the filing process. As well as patiently answering all my questions and concerns. Thank you also for the advice for my future financial health. Looking forward to working with you for the years to come!

  • en



    I highly recommend anyone to go and see Evelyn. She’s so nice and polite. Evelyn also is very flexible and works with your schedule. Evelyn has made my tax season more delightful.

  • en

    Teddy Mesidor


    My second time around getting service from EZE tax service. The process was quick and painless. Thank you very much Ms. Sotelo!

  • Laura Phillips

    Laura Phillips


    Evelyn has been doing my taxes for years now. She is the only person I trust! She has wonderful hours and makes herself available around your schedule. She is very thorough in her review of your finances and makes sure she gets you the maximum return without compromising future endeavors such as becoming a homeowner. She makes sure all of her customers receive outstanding service and her professionalism exceeds expectations!

  • en

    Vanessa Sandoval


    I highly recommend making Eze's Tax Service your one stop for all your individual & business tax needs. Extremely knowledgeable in not only tax services but IRS updates, and step by step ways how to start your own business and be financial independent! Every visit I make, as a business owner I can confidently walk out knowing all my needs have been met and my business is well taken care of. I look forward to this business's continued excellence and efficiency, and will continue to send all of my clients here!

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