Eye World Optical LTD w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneEye World Optical LTD



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66-26, Metropolitan Avenue, 11379, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-366-8345
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7112827, Longitude: -73.8912218

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lesly Collado


    Great staff

  • en

    Rosemarie Mandala


    As crooked as can be.....I called before I went there to see if they did the DMV eye exam. The girl who answers said yes and that it was $35. When I arrived a different girl greeted me, I told her I was there for the DMV eye exam. She then asked me if I wanted a regular eye exam as well for new glasses. I said no thank you. She then told me the price is $45. I told her I was told it was $35 by the girl who answered the phone. She confirmed with her and sent me over to her. No apology for trying to get an extra $10 because I wasn’t doing a regular eye exam as well. If you go there know your prices before hand. Google and compared with other people. The doctor and the girl who helped me were very nice that’s why they get 3 stars.

  • en

    Michelle Quinones


    Great staff!!!! They have a very nice selection of frames.

  • Jose R. Lopez

    Jose R. Lopez


    Nice set up, staff is very friendly and helpful but my reason for the 3 1/2 star rating is due to prices. They take most eye insurance. They have top brand names on eye wear. Any smart shopper should know if you find any something you like and get the item ID/model number you can shop on line and find the same item/thing for a much better price.

  • Bigdaddyjay20



    the service is so slow and annoying and i hate the people there

najbliższy Zdrowie

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