Extreme Products w Clackamas

Stany ZjednoczoneExtreme Products



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12310, Southeast Highway 212, 97105, Clackamas, Clackamas County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 503-657-4806
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4074721, Longitude: -122.5372349

komentarze 5

  • en



    I have purchased many things from firearms to gear and have never even once been less than completely satisfied! I plan to continue to do my shopping business there for a long time to come

  • en

    Josh Starr


    Not open on the weekend? At least do a half day for those that work M-F.....

  • Derek Foulk

    Derek Foulk


    These guys are great! Their selection is amazing, their staff is helpful and very knowledgeable. They are willing to take the time to help you with any questions you may have, and they do without making you feel dumb. Hands down, my favorite place to shop for anything and everything tactical!

  • en

    Lew Sytsma


    Slow turnaround on ordered goods. Issues with 3 out of 3 of my last orders. Ordered dress uniforms in February, now November, no word. Some coworkers uniforms on order for over a year.

  • Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson


    I purchased a firearm from another tactical distributor and went to Extreme Products to get an Apex trigger installed. I personally saw the gun come from the UPS man, get handed to the person behind the counter, who I then bought the firearm from. Prior to leaving the store, I did several function checks and determined everything was working properly. I then took the firearm to Extreme Products to get an Apex Trigger installed, as the store I had purchased it from had recently sold out and was waiting for more. After several minutes in the back room installing the trigger, they came to me and told me the store I had bought the gun from had sold it to me without a part. She showed me the part which was missing was a retaining pin from the trigger housing which is held in by a spring. I know for a fact Smith & Wesson would not sell me a gun without first being tested. The clerk from Extreme then insisted they weren't going to deal with the issue, as it was the responsibility of the store I had purchased it from. I asked if they would consider trying to order a part to expedite the process of getting my firearm to function properly and she said they wouldn't do it, once again, and suggested I go back to the store I had purchased it from. After they told me they were unable to get the part, she then got more hung up on the fact that I was able to purchase a Smith and Wesson LE gun from someone other than Extreme Products. Overall, just dissatisfied with the customer service. Left with a bad taste in my mouth and a feeling they were more angry at me for purchasing a firearm from another store other than theirs. Will not be returning.

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