Extended Stay of Danbury w Danbury

Stany ZjednoczoneExtended Stay of Danbury



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17, Thorpe Street Extension, 06810, Danbury, Fairfield County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej: www.airbnb.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4065153, Longitude: -73.4584358

komentarze 5

  • Tania Sultana

    Tania Sultana


    Firstly, the owner was super nice and most quickest person in the earth to response your text. secondly, things are almost new and super cleaned. thirdly, it's quite and his father is really nice guy. Super happy we found the place, we planed to stay 2 months. one more thing, we have changed the duration and Neal was super coordinating on the change!

  • Brian Kemple

    Brian Kemple


    I lived in the Extended Stay of Danbury for almost 12 months and was happy with the apartment and the extraordinary customer service. I stayed in (2) different apartments and found them to be very clean and well equipped to meet the needs of someone who may be staying for a short time or a year. I would highly recommend staying here if you are looking for a clean, safe place to call home during your time in CT.

  • Abraham Samuel

    Abraham Samuel


    Very close to Danbury railway station. Right off the interstate. It’s a family owned business and they are very helpful. The neighborhood can get a little noisy on some weekends and you may hear vehicles on the highway during the nights which you get used to, but the rooms and the amenities are very good and well maintained and they take good care of their guests. Ideal for students, business professionals and tourists. I don’t think you would be able to get better value for your money anywhere else in Danbury. It was a home away from home. They have everything you need for a comfortable stay and the amenities are very modern. I would definitely recommend this lovely place! Forgot to mention the large parking lot!

  • Valeria Babitskaya

    Valeria Babitskaya


    I have rented a studio for my son, who did a four month internship in Danbury. I did an extensive research of the area and availability of furnished accommodation for a short-term rent, and concluded that this option was definitely one of the most reasonable and comfortable ones. The building is located in a quite area right in the middle of Danbury. Easy commute to pretty much everything around. The apartment is spotlessly clean with great modern decor and amenities. Just bring your toothbrush and clothes. Neal is a wonderful host, who is quick to respond and answer any questions you might have. Overall a great experience. Thank you, Neal!

  • Michael Hamilton

    Michael Hamilton


    I definitely enjoyed my stay at this location. I stayed at the Extended Stay in November 2017 until February 2019. The location is ideal for both long-term on short-term stays. The location is in the center of downtown Danbury and easily accessible to the highway and local eateries. During my stay I was able to meet the entire Patel family and not one time during my time there did I ever have an unpleasant encounter. The living space was extremely clean and came complete with modern appliances and furniture. The location is ideal for anyone passing through Danbury desiring a nice quiet and safe location. During my 1.5 year stay at this location I saw people come and go and not one time have I ever heard anyone complain about their time or stay here. If my job assignment didn't transfer me, I would've definitely ended up staying through the end of my contract.

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