Exquisite Auto Lease w Miami Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneExquisite Auto Lease



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4310, Post Avenue, 33140, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 844-325-5151
strona internetowej: www.exquisiteautolease.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.816149, Longitude: -80.129637

komentarze 5

  • en

    ramiro uribe


    Exquisite Found me exact BMW I wanted. Great door to door delivery service. Best deal in town. Exceptional customer service. TY

  • Dr. Edan M. Alcalay

    Dr. Edan M. Alcalay


    Elan has been very professional and diligent in working with me. He actually delivered my car to my doorstep, surprising my wife with her dream car. She was so excited, jumping with joy. Elan actually FACETIME me while the delivery was taking place, illustrating his care and follow thorough. My family and I have leased vehicles for over 35 years and this is by far the most pleasant and professional experience we had. This should be the ONLY way to obtain a car. Thank you Elan and excited for the next car!!

  • Christopher Dupuis

    Christopher Dupuis


    Elan is awesome! In a day and age when customer service is sadly lacking, Exquisite auto lease is a shining star. Elan works to get you a great price and then follows up through the entire transaction. I have purchased many cars through Elan and can 100% recommend the company. You have nothing to worry about. You are in good hands and will get a fantastic deal!

  • en

    James Zenderman


    Great deal, saved time and money. From when I decided I wanted the car to having it in my driveway 24HR. My Broker even spotted issues in the dealer papers saving me from a headache later. Saved me money upfront, in the long run and most importantly time. I wish everything worked this way. Highly recommend service!!!

  • Kyle Miller

    Kyle Miller


    If you're looking to lease a car, look no further. Elan helped me get a car without having to do any of the tedious work that comes with car shopping. All I did was provide him the car that I wanted and within 48 hours I had the car that I wanted at a better deal than I found anywhere else. I saved over a thousand dollars due at signing and even saved on my monthly payment as well. I would recommend Exquisite Auto Lease to friends, family, or anyone else looking to get a car quick, cheap, and hassle free.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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