Express Furniture Warehouse w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneExpress Furniture Warehouse



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54-32, Myrtle Avenue, 11385, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-417-3579
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6996608, Longitude: -73.9093746

komentarze 5

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    Hick Pawston


    First time shopping at express furniture in ridgewood . So professional . Jesus was my sales man . He listened to me , he wasn’t pushy , he didn’t make me feel forced to buy anything . Plus I picked up some really good furniture for a good price . There was one issue that may be problematic for some shoppers ... they don’t provide certificate of insurance . If you tell them to leave it “curb side” and you do the work yourself , that’s the only way you can go around that issue . New buildings require this certificate. Other than that ? Great service , great workers . Will shop there again

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    Today my roommate and I went here so she could pick out a mattress. Jesus made our experience seamless and simple! We are young but he did not take advantage of us and let us ask as many questions as we needed. Great experience and would absolutely return!

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    Gabrielle Pearson


    Mark sales rep. Was awesome. Very helpful and informative. He was thorough making sure I had everything I needed going over policies and delivery procedures. Will come back.

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    Millie Martinez


    Jesus was spectacular, Francesca was also amazing. I’ve had a great experience and they answered all of our questions without feeling pressured. I’ve recommended my friends and family to them. It’s a Great place to shop!

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    Melanie Valentin


    Great Experience. The manger Jesus helped me out to pick out my furniture and at reasonably prices. He made the entire experience and transaction easy for me (especially since I was sick). He answered all my questions and concerns. Customer service was great. And delivery of the furniture was same day, brand new from the warehouse and very easygoing. Would totally recommend!

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