Exotic Nails w Wayne

Stany ZjednoczoneExotic Nails



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1320, New Jersey 23, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-686-1908
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9282732, Longitude: -74.2678436

komentarze 5

  • en

    Heather Pagano


    I have been going here for years now and i love this place. No the nails are not just Gel they are still the old fashioned, plastic tip that gets glued to your nail cut to length then geled over to harden and make durable. the prices are super reasonable. They accept credit cards which is great. I am heading to this place later today because they stay open till 7 or later so after work is a breeze. Usually not crowded.

  • Julianna Jaffe

    Julianna Jaffe


    been going here for a long time and they are amazing! they will do anything to ask them to do and very nice workers!

  • jessicasweetiie123



    Horrible service! The owner is flat out rude and has false advertisement. I got my nails done there a few times and the last time I went the owner made a comment that I should go to the hospital to get shots in my arm because my palm was sweaty. And when I told her that was rude she said “ no it’s not.” On top of that I noticed they have been charging me $10 more then what they advertise on their menu. When I confronted the owner about it she kept making excuses for it . Will never go there again

  • en

    Chelsey IlVento


    The girl was really sweet and did a great job on my acrylics!

  • Kelly Heykoop

    Kelly Heykoop


    I've been going here for over 10 years and although it changed owners several years ago and lost their best airbrush guy ever, it is still a great nail salon. I don't usually make appointments but I never wait more then 15 minutes, usually I walk right in and sit down. Nikki is the best. When I bring my boyfriend she sits there and listens to our crazy stories without batting an eyelash. We love it. Great colors, they last long, and the prices are very fair. Plus discounts for pedicures on monday & tuesday.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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