Exotic Nail Salon w West Hempstead

Stany ZjednoczoneExotic Nail Salon



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464, Hempstead Turnpike, 11552, West Hempstead, Nassau County, US Š”Š¾ŠµŠ“ŠøŠ½ŠµŠ½Š½Ń‹Šµ ŠØтŠ°Ń‚Ń‹ ŠŠ¼ŠµŃ€ŠøŠŗŠø
kontakt telefon: +1 516-564-1710
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 40.7059009, Longitude: -73.6558574

komentarze 5

  • en

    Diana Molina


    Best acrylic place ever ask for Michelle she finessed my nails my go to from now on

  • en

    Excellent Service


    I love Tom..... He is the best AAAAAA++++++

  • Alexa Antoine

    Alexa Antoine


    I had my nails done like 3 days ago at a different nail salon and one nail broke off so i went to go fix it at this salon. As i walked in the lady says ā€œwhat do you need?ā€ i said ā€œ i just need to fix this one nailā€ and i showed her and she said okay. So i sit down with One of the employees that kept saying ā€œfillingā€ but i said no i just want this one nail fixed , but he kept saying ā€œfillingā€ with other inaudible words i couldnā€™t understand, so i got annoyed and let him do it cuz he was being hard headed. I clearly showed him the one nail that broke off and i said to do just this one. So instead he ignores me and he proceeds into taking off all my nail polish before i can tell him to stop and does a filling on nails Iā€™ve done 3 days ago. Who does that?! You donā€™t just do what you want and not listen to a customer. So they charged me 20$ for an unnecessary filling plus 3$ for that one nail. Plus they made my nails look worse and look bulky. The guy didnā€™t even apply the nail polish right. I highly donā€™t recommend this place to anyone. JUST HORRIBLE.

  • Steffany P

    Steffany P


    Used to be good, not anymore. Staff are overworked/miserable and lazy. Over it.

  • Sam Hinnawi

    Sam Hinnawi


    My mom, sister and I have been going here for years. With that being said, I have had my nails done by almost everyone there. Evelyn is the best by far. Sheā€™s so sweet and does exactly what you want. Sheā€™s gentle and takes her time to ensure that itā€™s done properly and is exactly what you want. Everytime I need my nails done I always make sure to go to Evelyn. Also, sheā€™s the only one that I trust to do my eyebrows. Like my nails, she always does my eyebrows exactly how i like them. Iā€™ve been to multiple threading and waxing places for my eyebrows but they always rush and make my eyebrows too thin or uneven with either a very large arch or no arch at all. Evelyn makes sure that theyā€™re even and not too thin with the arch that i prefer. If you decide to come here, whether it be for eyebrows or nails, make sure to go to Evelyn!! Sheā€™s the only one i trust with my nails!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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