Exclusive Repair & Tire Services i West Babylon

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77, Jersey Street, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-643-8473
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Latitude: 40.736695, Longitude: -73.3809799

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Mosscrop


    very experienced and friendly people quality workmanship top of the line tires at reasonable rates

  • en

    Lali Bandesha


  • en

    Gene Savino


  • en

    Brandon Blanco


    Had a flat tire stranded on a highway at first we called and the person we were talking to said $125 at first, said we' like think about it and then we called again and he raises his price to $250 and then proceeds to say "never mind I can't do it." Then he hangs up and leaves us for stranded. Don't call this place they were extremely rude from the start.

  • Dilshod Marupov

    Dilshod Marupov


    Just for air they charge me 20$

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