Excelsior Gold Fitness en Hackensack

Estados UnidosExcelsior Gold Fitness



🕗 horarios

160, Prospect Avenue, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-880-6899
sitio web: excelfitnessnj.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8883071, Longitude: -74.0553984

comentarios 5

  • en

    maryellen seidel


    Staff is so helpful and attentive

  • en

    Dennis Hsaio


    I just joined this gym. If you are within walking distance to this fitness center, this is an absolute no brainer must join gym. There are almost no good pictures of this place online, so when I walked in I was amazed at what the gym had to offer. The machines and equipment are older models, but very clean and very functional, great back, shoulder, leg, all around machines to compliment the free weights. I am a serious weight lifter and I am able to get all of my workouts done here as they have also have a real barbell station for squatting and deadlifting purposes. Dumbbells only go to 85 lbs, but thats not the end of the world. There are 4 good new treadmills and they have some classes. The membership includes a hot tub, pool and saunas. There is a decent locker room. Can't believe the 1 star reviews.....for a residential setting this is not as extensive as your ordinary commercial gym, but is definitely 100% good enough. Membership options vary, make sure you ask before you sign up. I got a small discount for purchasing two memberships (me and my gf) and another for prepaying for 6 months. I like 5 minute walk away so I love this place

  • Will Careed

    Will Careed


    Surprisingly good!!

  • Sandeep JS

    Sandeep JS


    Not a well maintained place. A lot of times, the equipment are out of order. This is especially true for the cardio machines. The folks working there are just fine , but some more maintenance would help the place a lot more

  • Lia Ojeda

    Lia Ojeda


    Very disappointing visit. I called this afternoon to inquire as to a tour of the gym. I was told that a staff member would be available to assist me when I stop by today after work. I was interested in seeing the pool in particular. I arrived a little after 7:00 p.m and found both the receptionist desk, as well as the "check-in" desk both unstaffed. I waited for about 10 minutes and then decided to take a tour on my own. I passed by the weight room unaccompanied wearing my work clothes, in plain sight of members working out. I was alarmed by the lack of security that would allow anyone just randomly to walk into and about the facility. After 10 minutes of this, I interrupted a member's workout and asked if there was any staff available. The member redirected me to the empty receptionist desk. Finally a woman -whom I passed in front of several times - gets off the treadmill and identifies herself as staff. Apparently she was too busy with her own work out to not only assist a potential member, but also to busy to ensure the safety of the members of the gym. The staff's excuse was that she didn't see me (how she could miss a fully clothed, full-size person wandering around is questionable), and that she had her earphones on. I left immediately as I can't join a gym in which I would feel unsafe in. I'll check out the nearby YMCA and the Hackensack UMC gyms to see if I could join.

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