European Wax Center i New Hyde Park

Forenede StaterEuropean Wax Center



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1616, Marcus Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-488-4888
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Latitude: 40.7540569, Longitude: -73.6867063

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jacqueline Doody


    Christina is the best waxer I have ever had.

  • Jose R. Lopez

    Jose R. Lopez


    Nothing special about this place. You can get same kind of service elsewhere thatcater in wax also. I take it they don't get much men entering, because they looked at me like I was there to rob them.

  • en

    Nature Chick


    Best waxers ever. Ive never gotten burned or injured.

  • en

    Kharishma Rampersaud


    Amazing place and staff for waxing. Everyone is super nice and patient.

  • Lexi Jaé

    Lexi Jaé


    I went here on my way to work and it was a huge mistake. Not only did the tech burn me with wax but she didn’t even clean up my eyebrows doesn’t even look as though they were done. Will not be coming back here and I don’t suggest anyone else does either. You would think a place with the word Wax in the title would know exactly what they were doing, anyway I’ll just stick to my nail salon eyebrow wax.

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