Erica Makeup Artist w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneErica Makeup Artist


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Amanda Court, 10607, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-316-0399
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0394758, Longitude: -73.8300801

komentarze 5

  • Juliette Woods

    Juliette Woods


    The day I had my wedding makeup trial done by Erica, I knew I made the right choice by hiring her. She executed the look I always envisioned of having on my big day. Not only did she do my make up, she took care of my entire bridal party -- a total 9 girls! Her timing was efficient, steady and consistent. Everyone's makeup was absolutely stunning! And we all just simply felt BEAUTIFUL! So thank you Erica for your amazing talent, professionalism and passion for makeup. Love your work!

  • en

    Annalisa Vazquez


    I met Erica about 6 years ago when she did my makeup for my engagement photo shoot. Since then, she is the only person I whole heartedly trust will make me look and feel beautiful for any special event or occasion like my wedding, baby shower and weddings I have atttended. She is my go-to makeup artist and the only one I recommend to family and friends. Erica is a pleasure to work with. She is sweet and personable yet extremely professional and talented. Book her for your special days and you will not be disappointed. You are guaranteed to look flawless.

  • Yamarie Grullon

    Yamarie Grullon


    Erica is not only talented she is a pleasure to work with. Whenever I have a special event, she is my go-to makeup artist. Not only is her work flawless, she is punctual, attentive to her clients, and a natural at putting everyone around her at ease. If you’re thinking about hiring her, go for it – I would recommend booking early because she is in high demand! 5-star service all around.

  • Laura Sanchez

    Laura Sanchez


    Erica Gonzalez is an extremely gifted makeup artist that should be on speed dial in your cell phone! She’s been on mine for over five years and has helped me achieve natural or glam looks for all kinds of events. Erica is a true professional who is passionate about her work and it shows. She listens to what her clients are looking for and brings out the very best in everyone. Erica is true artist. She’s professional, skilled and has a strong eye for perfection. Making sure her clients are satisfied is always her main objective. The next time you need a makeup artist, search no more, call Erica! She will make you look and feel beautiful! I can guarantee that by the end of your special event, you’ll want to keep the party going just so you can show off your look!

  • Green Dot Events

    Green Dot Events


    I absolutely love Erica’s work & I always recommend her to clients, friends & family. She does such a phenomenal job every single time; it’s very obvious that she’s well experienced. I travel from NJ to Westchester to go see her for special occasion makeup ... that says it all. My makeup lasts ALL day & ALL night. Her private makeup studio is very organized, clean and has lot of natural lighting. She explains what what she's doing as she works on your face & also shows you what products she's using & states why. She is very polite, professional, friendly & will make you feel comfortable. Erica always nails the look that I desire, whether it be for a wedding, birthday, Halloween, holiday or themed party. I am never nervous about the end result because I have complete trust in her, that says it all! Can’t wait to be back!

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