Entourage Vegas Spa and Health Club w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneEntourage Vegas Spa and Health Club



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953, East Sahara Avenue, 89104, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-650-9191
strona internetowej: vegasgayspa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.143376, Longitude: -115.144111

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jay S


    This is a review from last time I was there about a year ago. It is older and run down. Not a lot of traffic in general. But again it is off strip and a lot of stuff to do in vegas so that may be part of the issue as well. Someone said it has been renovated a bit, not sure how much. Headed to Vegas June 6-10 and wondering if I should head back there?

  • en

    Craig Moskowitz


    Swimming pool, Jacuzzi, Steam room, nice hot showers, sometimes sauna. Good music playing, unlike the other place. Dark room area. Place is kept very clean. Good weekday specials. Have gone there dozens of times over the last few years.

  • Chuck



    Love this place! Great staff. Cleaned constantly. Nice guys. Sunday afternoon my fave time. Great place to meet friends or make new ones! And reasonable! *Say hi to the cuties at the desk. Very friendly staff! Sauna closed for summer. Now a "cooling down room." You may very well need one!!

  • en

    Craigs List


    I’m from Houston and this bath house simply can not compare in the smallest capacity to the one in my home town. It’s old and run down, the guests are aggressive (keep brushing against you when you’re not interested) and rude (a lot of what appear to be DRUG JUNKIES), the place doesn’t use any sheets (bare mattress pad) nor have do they have pillows. The only reason this places gets two stars from me is because of the idea to give colored towels based on your sexual position of preference (pink for bottom, green for top, orange for oral, white for guest) that was pretty neat and unique. However definitely won’t be returning. Anyway, if you ever plan to visit Houston, be sure to check out CLUB HOUSTON... definitely the place to be!

  • Robert Petty

    Robert Petty


    They have a pool!!!! And hot tub! Love the staff! Super friendly, professional and i can tell they love what they do. Being apart of the LGBT community I really appreciate having an establishment that caters towards our needs. Special thank you to Chris and staff!! You guys are selflessly amazing!! I believe once we learn to become selfless it becomes about us again. It's about you not me. They treat their employees with respect and love taking care of them first making sure their needs are met and then in turn their own. The business would be nothing without their employees and they truly value that! Thank you thank you thank you for giving me nothing but your all and your very best!! Will return again and again!

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