Encirco Studios i Signal Hill

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEncirco Studios



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2698, Junipero Avenue, 90755, Signal Hill, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 562-249-8042
internet side: encircostudios.com
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Latitude: 33.8060615, Longitude: -118.1622972

kommentar 1

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    Flim Flam


    Not recommended, save your money and go elsewhere. Lots of promises with zero follow through. Everything seems great at first with the facade of a shop tour but things eventually reveal themselves throughout the process of working with this "company". My client intially made a comment about the owner but we blew it off. We were mistaken. The owner often changed from what my client was promised to what the owner wanted to do. His niceness quickly turned to outward aggravation at being held to what was initially promised. Prices changed along the way and the owner was unwilling to complete the project as promised. He delivered an unfinished project and basically told my client that it was my fault even though I was reasonable and even paid more when he changed prices. My client and I ended up using another company closer to L.a. and they finished what this place said was "unworkable". I do not recommend. Very unprofessional.

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