Empire w Boston

Stany ZjednoczoneEmpire



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Marina Park Drive, 02210, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-295-0001
strona internetowej: www.empireboston.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3529812, Longitude: -71.0455316

komentarze 5

  • akanksha khorgade

    akanksha khorgade


    A really upbeat and stylish place. My advice.. dress well.. there is no way one could be overdressed at Empire.😁✌

  • en

    Adam B


    Empire is an awesome place in the Seaport area! No cover charge! The atmosphere is great and it is very spacious on the inside. Do not pay attention to the closing time of 12 and 1 on Friday and Saturday because if its packed (which it normally is) they will be open until 2am. Food is excellent! I've eaten here a few times, but I mostly come for drinks and music at night. The crowd is mostly older; 30-40s age group. Expect to pay a bit more for drinks since it is located in the Seaport.

  • en

    tyler graham


    Empire is definitely one of my favorite restaurants to eat at in the city. They have an excellent, diverse and fun menu full of different Asian dishes accompanied by a great cocktail list. I have had nothing but amazing experiences here, and I highly recommend it for a night out both informal or formal.

  • en

    Sarah Greenlaw


    Food is great, easy to share, just pricey. Was a fun night out with girl friends, bill didn’t end up being very expensive when split but we also didn’t get the bigger/pricier items. We had an small order of the lo mein and it was plenty to split among 4 women, especially as we ordered a few other meals as well. Can’t imagine how big the large order would have been! If you sit close to the bar on a weekend night just know that it’s pretty loud as many young people go here for a bar/club atmosphere. If you’re seated further away from that area (where you first walk in) then it is not so loud.

  • Elena S

    Elena S


    We had to wait for about an hr before we got our table. But it was definitely worth it. Their menu was awesome. Food was beautiful presented and delicious. Drinks were good and staff was excellent. I would definitely recommend any sushi lovers to come here.

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