EMP 180° Weight Loss en Tysons

Estados UnidosEMP 180° Weight Loss



🕗 horarios

8397, Leesburg Pike, 22182, Tysons, Fairfax County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 855-888-0180
sitio web: www.emp180weightloss.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.9228387, Longitude: -77.2374053

comentarios 5

  • en

    Garrett Gouldin


    I have just completed 7 weeks on the emp180 program and have reached my goal percentage body fat, and goal of visceral fat -- I have technically "graduated". Both of these goals were determined at the first visit with the team at emp180, which cost me 30$. My goal weight was also determined at this initial visit, and it is my understanding that the total cost of the program was based on the amount of weight that I was to lose. This weight loss amount was determined with my input, and the expert knowledge of the staff. At the conclusion of the initial visit, the employees simply show you a table with the overall cost as a function of the weight you need to lose, and the amount of time it should take, on average -- a fair system in retrospect, given that the program provides you all meals and snacks for the duration of your plan, with the exception of your 2 cups of your vegetables at lunch, and your protein and vegetables at dinner. It also includes weekly weighins and coaching, and it is at these weekly visits that they replenish your food supply. So it is true that they won't give you a cost over the phone, but they will if you go in and spend 30$ and about 30 minutes. For the past 20+ years - I repeat, 20+ years - I have been exercising off and on with great intensity, and have attempted several other diets, including Jenny Craig. While I have had some success, the weight always returns, and I have never actually reached my goal, or felt that I had been properly educated to make a definitive shift in my life, health and appearance long term. Additionally, my athletic performance as it relates to my excess weight never improved, because I wasn't truly attending to the all important side of health that is nutrition. I am now seeing weights on the scale every morning that I haven't seen since college (I am 51 yo). And perhaps most importantly, and this is the real hook of this program, I am certain that I will keep the weight off, because included in the fee you pay for the program is a lifetime maintenance feature. The staff educates you leading up to your graduation, and they then have you return, at least once per month, for life, for weigh ins and coaching as needed. So I rarely write reviews -- in fact, I can count on one hand the number of times that I have been moved enough by the product, experience, and customer service of an organization to share my feelings on it with the public. This is different - this is a 180. We all know that central to our happiness is our physical and mental health. In today's world, I find that there are too many choices in health related endeavors to allow proper focus, and more difficult still is finding an ally that you can trust to help you stay true to, and to attain, your goal. And I think that the value of our health, in comparison to all other things we work on day to day, cannot be overstated. And so if you are seriously looking to invest in yourself and to lose the weight and to start taking care of yourself - which allows you to take better care of those around you - this is the place. EMP180 works, the cost is significant but fair, and the people are genuine. Make the call.

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    Jerry Boykin


    Well trained and knowledgeable that are friendly and helpful and the diet works without being hungry or having crevings.

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    Jean Cutsail


    Too expensive for shakes and soups.Not worth the price.

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    Pete Priscoe


    how much is it? they refuse to tell me over the phone

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    heather evans


    Great program! Upbeat atmosphere. Very positive. Totally changed my attitude about dieting and food.

Salud más cercano

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