Emery & Webb Insurance i Bedford Hills

Forenede StaterEmery & Webb Insurance



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15, Haines Road, 10507, Bedford Hills, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-241-4450
internet side: www.emerywebb.com
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Latitude: 41.2382857, Longitude: -73.7015822

kommentar 5

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    David Tillem


    Brenda was helpful and knowledgeable throughout the process of obtaining new insurance policies for our home and motor vehicles. When a problem arose, she quickly contacted us to resolve it. It was a good experience working with her and I anticipate we will continue to do business with Emery & Webb.

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    Cathleen McGinness


    After being with Emery and Webb for over a year, I got a call from Brenda who was reviewing my file and had ideas of how to save us over $2500 on our insurance. She helped me gather all the information we needed to make the appropriate changes. She really stays on top of things!

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    Benedicta Asiedu


    My brother in law gave us Brenda's number for a quote. From the first person who answered my call to Brenda everyone was pleasant, professional and very informative. she patiently answered all my question and gave me the best quote. i am very happy and satisfied with my policy. keep up the great work and will definitely tell my friends about you.

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    Obed Asiedu


    I was shopping online for my auto and home insurance and one of the search engines directed me to Emery & Webb Inc. From the very first day of talking to Brenda, I knew I was at the right place. I requested a quote from a particular carrier but she advise can search through multiple carriers they write policy for and see which one comes cheaper. She was able to get me a better coverage than what I had and also saved over a $1000 (One thousand dollars) a year. You can not get anything better than this especially if you reside in the Bronx, NY. I am passing the word around to friends and family because you can not beat this as I had already tried multiple places.

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    Edward Snyder


    I was a customer of Fay and Maloney for over thirty years and always happy with the service and attention to detail. Now it has merged with Emery and Webb but the service remains the same. It is always nice to hear Irene's voice when I call. Steve and Paul may have left but your people give the same excellent service. Brenda Arico sent me a proposal for a new house insurance policy which I am very happy with and have accepted. Some names change but the quality goes on. Thank You

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