Emerald City Trolley w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneEmerald City Trolley



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325, 5th Avenue North, 98109, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 855-313-3456
strona internetowej: www.emeraldcitytrolley.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6214722, Longitude: -122.3482239

komentarze 5

  • Elizabeth Mcglothen

    Elizabeth Mcglothen


    Let us ride a short distance for free. Loved the womans commentary while we went along. Will definitely ride again with them!




    On a whim we decided to buy tickets on the Emerald City Trolley. The young man at the ticket booth was professional and very nice. Our intention had been to ride the entire circuit and then on the second go around start hopping off, but when we stopped at the Space Needle we decided to get off and look around. This first ride was less than impressive - we were sitting up front and still couldn't hear the tour guide. When we hopped on for our second ride we had a much better guide and driver. We hopped off at the water front to grab lunch. Before exiting, our driver told my wife there was a trolley coming by every 20-mins. Well, after a good lunch, our luck was with us and we got the same trolley for our third ride of the day. We mentioned wanting to visit an Asian Market in the China Town District. The driver was very nice, she told us which stop to use and the guide pointed out the direction to the market where we spent 30-mins shopping for items for our daughter. We returned and caught our fourth trolley ride of the day. All in all, if you want a means to see a lot of Seattle and save your feet and learn a bit about the city, take the Emerald City Trolley. They do offer military discounts.

  • en

    Paul Griffith


    My wife and I just spent a week in Seattle and this is one of the better ways to get around the downtown area. Did both the hop on/off and the 3 hour NW tour. Every driver and tour guide we met was extremely helpful and courteous. My wife has reduced mobility and the driver let us off just a block or 2 from Pike Place market so my wife would not have to walk up a steep hill. They are all very knowledgeable and proud of their city. Trolley is very frequent runs every 2o minutes or so depending on traffic - not an hour in between as it says in another review on here.

  • Wendy Miller

    Wendy Miller


    We booked the NW Seattle tour and also rode around on the city on and off version. Both were very helpful and showed us lots of interesting things. The tour guides were very helpful and they did their best to get us where we needed to be if possible. Our NW tour guide (jennifer) was very knowledgeable and super helpful. Great way to see Seattle!

  • Alison Roope

    Alison Roope


    We had a wonderful experience with Emerald City Trolley on our recent vacation in Seattle. Richard and Pam made for excellent historical guides and safe driving in tricky traffic. They had a fun bit of banter between them, too. Richard was an experienced guide with a robust knowledge of Seattle. We completed a full loop on their trolley and got off at the Public Market. Shortly thereafter I discovered I had lost my phone! I was able to confirm its location through Google and it appeared to still be on the trolley. I called the main office and they got in touch with Pam and Richard who quickly found my phone. The young man at the office helped to arrange to have it taken to my hotel. He was so accommodating and genuinely cared about helping me in a bad situation. 5 stars for all! Great crew who is knowledgeable and who had top notch customer service!

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